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Spring has sprung, the snowy, frozen ground is mostly a thing of the past, and we have lots of volunteer opportunities available to help you enjoy the beautiful, sunny days at the ranch with the best company around - our Rescue horses. As things dry out, chores are easier and clean up much needed after the long winter. If you've been to a volunteer orientation, sign up for a chore shift or drop in for an hour or two anytime to help. If you haven't attended volunteer orientation or would like a refresher, email  info@mvhr.net to schedule an appointment.

If you're a people person who would love to share your passion for our horses with others, there are several opportunities to help out with service days and other one-day programs. We also have some paid program staff opportunities (more on those in the Program Updates below). Please contact info@mvhr.net for more information.

Your volunteer support is vital to Mountain Valley Horse Rescue's mission. Volunteers covering chore and feeding shifts allow Joel to spend more time training horses towards adoption. Each time a horse is adopted we are able to bring in another who needs our help. Volunteers serving as ambassadors and facilitators at our service days and programs allow us to reach more people in our community - people who might become adopters, donors or part of our volunteer family in the future. 

Help us help even more horses! Sign up to volunteer today

Doc, Chiquita and Pedro

Doc and Chiquita with Pedro

Equine Updates

Adoption news! Chiquita and Doc's adoptions finalized last month and they are enjoying their new home together at Pedro's Gypsum Stables. Minnie and Estrella are the latest pair to try out a new home. They left for their trial adoptions together in mid-March. Now, we love it when any of our horses gets adopted, but it's especially nice when they get to go with a friend! If you are interested in adding one - or two - of our wonderful equines to your family, please contact us at info@mvhr.net to learn more about our horses and adoption process.

Thanks to the adoptions above, MVHR was able to welcome new horses to the ranch in March. The first, Betty, has some recovery to do, but we are hopeful for her future. Read more about her in "Horse of the Month" below. The other four arrived in pairs, which seems to have been the theme last month. Abe & Freckles are both in their 20s and sweet as can be! Big & Grey - two handsome, tall, grey-colored geldings - are former working ranch horses and then trail horses, who are now looking for easier jobs. We look forward to getting to know all of these new intakes and watching them blossom at MVHR. 


Horse of The Month: Betty

Betty was the first new intake we welcomed to the ranch last month. This sweet 22-year-old mustang mare arrived with metabolic disease and severe hoof neglect. Like Nova and Beamer before her, Joel had to immediately trim her hooves before he could even get her in the trailer for the trip to McCoy. A week after her arrival and first good trim, it was time for another one. With x-rays and expert help from Dr. Stocker and farrier, Gary Hoza, Betty was able to lose quite a bit more of her overgrown hooves. She is already starting to seem more comfortable.

As we continue the lengthy process of getting Betty's hooves back to normal, we will also be addressing the metabolic issues to help her shed some of her shaggy coat. 

Betty is shy, but settling in very well considering the ordeal she's been through. Would you like to be part of her recovery journey? Sponsorhip is a wonderful way to help horses like Betty! Contact us at info@mvhr.net for more information.


Program Updates


We are looking for individuals to help with our new Summer Day Camps. A variety of camp days will be offered primarily on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays between June 7th and August 11th. Work schedules can be flexible. This is the perfect summer job if you want to be around horses!  Additional days/work opportunities may be available, including year round opportunities. Interested? Contact marleen@mvhr.net for more details and to apply.


Our most popular program is back this month! It's a fun way for kids ages 3-5 years, and their parents/caregivers, to spend time at the ranch. The little ones get introduced to the rescue horses in a playful way and will spend time with them while exploring developmentally appropriate concepts related to preschool learning targets. Each session will include learning about horse care, grooming & leading, and finishes with a pony ride.

Learn more and register at mountainvalleyhorserescue.salsalabs.org/mhh2022.


This horseback riding lesson program for kids 4-7 years old starts Saturday, May 7th, from 1pm-5pm. These lessons are one-on-one sessions of 30 minutes each per child. During this program children will work on natural balance, core strength, confidence and multi-tasking skills. It is perfect for those who have participated in our Mini Horse Heroes program in the past. 

Please contact marleen@mvhr.net for more information and to schedule your child’s session!


MVHR is excited to offer kids ages 5-14 new opportunities to spend their days this summer with horses. Day camps will take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from June 7th through August 11th, 2022. Kids can sign up for one day or multiple days in a row, or spread days throughout the summer. The day camp themes will vary based on the day or week and include Horse Heroes Day Camp, H.O.P.E. Liberty Day Camp and Horse Glamour Day Camp

No prior horse experience is needed to participate and MVHR will provide transportation from Wolcott. Full and partial scholarships are available for all day camps. For more information and to register, visit the Programs page on our website. 


Do you love horses? Do you want to expand your leadership skills & community service experience? Then High School Rescue Club is for you! 

Mountain Valley Horse Rescue is excited to provide high school students with the opportunity to get more involved in our rescue efforts while fostering a love for horses, gaining a deeper understanding of horse knowledge including horsemanship and ground work, and building the leadership skills necessary to help advocate for the over 6,000 unwanted, abandoned and abused horses in Colorado. HSRC is FREE to local students entering grades 8-12. For more information or to apply, email HSRC@mvhr.net.


April Volunteer Opportunities

Please email info@mvhr.net to sign up or for more information, unless otherwise specified below.

  • Community Horse Day: Saturday, April 23rd, from 1-4pm. We'll do some service and then spend time grooming the horses!
  • Basic Volunteer Orientation: Thursday, April 21st, from 12-3pm. If you want to help with our horses, this is the way to get started. No set commitment of time or schedule is required to help take care of the horses in recovery at MVHR, just this basic training. 
  • Feeding & Chore Shifts: After completing Basic Volunteer Orientation, you can sign up to cover any of our three daily chore shifts - watering, feeding and mucking. Open shifts are shown on our website calendar. OR if you're not able to commit to an entire shift, you can pop out to help with mucking any time you'd like!  
  • Tuesday Vet Days: It's time for spring check ups and vaccines with Dr. Stocker. Join us from 10am-4pm on April 6th and April 12th to help. 
ReFund CO

ReFund CO

Support the horses with some, or all, of your Colorado state income tax refund in 2022:

  • Decide how much of your state income tax refund to donate (all or a portion of it).
  • Enter  Mountain Valley Horse Rescue and our registration number 20063004823 in the Donate to a Colorado Nonprofit Fund line on your state tax return or tax software – or give just give this info to your tax preparer when you share your tax documents.

Donate Stock to MVHR

We recently opened a brokerage account with Edward Jones and are so grateful to the donors who have already contributed!

Donating stock offers benefits for both you and MVHR. If you would like more information on how to donate to our account, contact your broker or email marleen@mvhr.net.

Other Ways to Help MVHR

Looking for ways to help MVHR all year long? Visit our Other Ways to Help resource page! It has information like our wish lists, shopping to support MVHR, and more, all in one place. Check it out and sign up for some of the shopping programs! 

Visit MVHR's Merchandise Shop

To purchase t-shirts, hoodies or hats, visit mountainvalleyhorserescue.com/mvhr-shop.

Mountain Valley Horse Rescue
33933 Colorado River Road  | McCoy, Colorado 80463
970-653-0185 | 

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