ReFUND Colorado

Three Ways to Share the LOVE with the Horses in February!

ReFUND CO State Tax Refund Program

A new Colorado program called ReFUND CO allows Coloradans who receive a state tax refund to donate all or some of the refund to a local nonprofit of their choice – including Mountain Valley Horse Rescue! It is a simple process. Just enter MVHR’s name and unique code - 20063004823 - on the line that says “Donate To a Colorado Nonprofit” on your State Tax Return, and your gift will go directly to MVHR!

If you expect to receive a Colorado State Tax Refund this year, please consider showing your LOVE for the MVHR Herd by donating in this easy way.

Be a Stable Supporter!

You may be one of our generous supporters who makes a single gift to MVHR once a year. Whatever the amount – $10, $50, $100 – your gift makes a huge difference – from a bale of hay or bag of grain (for the Seniors), to vaccinations to keep the herd healthy, or training time to help a Rescue find a new home. 

How about becoming a monthly Stable Supporter – does $5, $10 or $25/month fit your budget and charitable giving goals? Knowing that MVHR has 12 months of your steady support helps stable-ize our ability to provide for the horses, donkeys, and ponies who depend on you for their everyday needs. 

Not sure? Take time to consider a monthly donation that works for you, and we will send more information about how monthly giving makes a big difference for MVHR. Or today, simply click on the Donate button on our website and start your monthly support of the horses!

Leave a Legacy  

MVHR makes a lifetime promise to all of our horses. As we know from Sinclair, this can mean 40+ years of care and feeding. Your legacy support – in your will or trust – will help to secure the future of MVHR’s mission and commitment to the horses lives for many years to come.

Do you have, or are you working on, a will or trust?  If so, please consider leaving a planned bequest to MVHR. 

Look for more information this Spring about the option for planned giving. In the meantime, please call Shana at 970-653-0185 if you have any questions.


  • Community Volunteer Day: Saturday, February 1st, 10am-1pm
  • Basic Volunteer Orientation: Saturday, February 15th, 8:30am-1:30pm
    Mandatory if you want to work independently with our horses on a regular basis.  

Visit the volunteer page on our website for more information. Contact with questions and to sign up for all volunteer opportunities unless otherwise noted.


Feeding & Chores: When you have completed our Basic Volunteer Orientation, please sign up for morning and night feedings or mid-day chores & feeding with Open shifts are shown on our website calendar. 

Maintenance Help: Our all-volunteer maintenance crew helps us keep up with our ongoing (and never ending) projects around the Rescue. Contact to join our maintenance team.

Volunteer Spotlight: Jennifer Haskell

Originally from New York City, Jennifer worked in performing arts after graduating college, but had always wanted to ski. On her first ski trip to Killington, VT, she crashed into another guy in the woods. They were both okay, but she says he skied away as fast as he could. “He's my husband now, so I guess you could say I eventually caught him.” They moved to Vail in 2016.

Jennifer recently started volunteering for MVHR with her friend Monica, and they do their feeding shifts together. Jennifer doesn’t have much horse experience, but loves to be around animals because they bring so much to her life. She has a special place in her heart for the “wise and funny” Sinclair, and says the world would be a better place “if we made sure that old guys like Sinclair always had a place where they would be loved and a place they could call home.” We couldn’t agree more.

This illustrates perfectly that you don’t need a lot of horse experience to start volunteering at MVHR, you just need a lot of love. Thank you, Jennifer, for giving so much of it to our Rescue herd! 

Jennifer and Sinclair
mane and tail brushes

MVHR's Wish List

Want to help support the horses and ranch operations by purchasing items on our wish list? You can find what we need here: 

Thank you to everyone who has made a purchase so far! Unfortunately, we can't always see who sends the packages, so we haven't been able to thank everyone properly. If you make any wish list purchase and do not wish to remain anonymous, please include your name so we can show our appreciation!

And remember, you can support the Rescue horses anytime while shopping on AmazonSmile. Just make sure "Mountain Valley Horse Rescue" is selected as your non-profit and a percentage of your sale comes back to's that simple!



Horse Updates

In Memoriam: Baylor

We are sad to share that Baylor, who came to MVHR last fall, passed away in January.

Baylor was a steadfast friend to all he met, and carried his age with great nobility and gentleness of spirit. He was blessed to spend his last months in the loving care of a local foster family, where he knew excellent care and dear friends, both horse and human.

MVHR is eternally grateful for the love and compassion Baylor's foster family shared with him, especially in his final hours. Run free, handsome boy!

More Adoption News

Buddy headed to a trial period at an adoptive home in Laramie, Wyoming in January. Whinny is working on a 30-day trial period with a young lady from Craig! Joel is making great progress with Emmy Lou, Minny, Melody, Star, Cekka, and Reba, so we are hopeful that we will find more forever homes for other Rescue horses this year.

New Intakes

Welcome Abu - an Arabian who is boarding with us, but also looking for a new home - and Pepe, a cute mini donkey. What a pair he and Sparky will be!

Summer Day Camp

Program News

2020 Summer Day Camps

SAVE THE DATE! Summer Day Camp registration opens on March 18th, 2020. MVHR is adding an additional week to the program this summer, but expects all camps to fill quickly just as they did in 2019.

Mini Horse Heroes

Registration for the Spring session opens the end of February. This preschool program for kids 3-5 years old and their parents/caregivers consists of six 2.5 hour sessions, offered every other Saturday, March through May. Participants will spend time with the horses while exploring developmentally appropriate concepts related to preschool learning. 

Please contact Kensie Redden with questions for either program listed above at

60 Day Challenge Starts March 1st

There is still time to join this training program. All you need to do is sign up with our Volunteer Coordinator, Steph Busley. Email her at with your interest, level of experience (none necessary) and to pick a feeding shift to cover every week. It is mandatory to cover a shift every week to be involved in the training program; although, it does not have to be the same shift every week.

The 60 Day Challenge is a great video and hands-on training experience for volunteers, and helps MVHR get its program horses ready for the upcoming camp season.  

MVHR t-shirts, Frances Marino pillow and pouch

Other Ways to Help


Artist Frances Marino will donate 100% of profits from sales of her work made through her website. You can also get most of her artwork on a variety of gifts including mugs, pouches, pillows, greeting cards, phone cases and more. See some of the beautiful options above. Visit to make a purchase, and then contact Frances to let her know you did so to help MVHR. Thank you!

MVHR T-Shirts and Travel Mugs are available for $20 each for all the Rescue fans in your family. There is also LOTS of tack for sale, especially English, and some beautiful Aussie and English saddles. Contact for details.

City Market Community Rewards: Join the program at…/city-market-community-rewards and select MVHR as your organization. Horses will be helped every time you swipe your value card! Already enrolled? MVHR organization number recently changed to AX816 - please be sure to update your account!


If you cannot get out to the ranch to volunteer for feeding shifts, chores or other programs, you can still support the horses by making a donation on our website. Every dollar helps from $10 for a bale of hay to $6,000 to sponsor a horse for a year. With a steady herd of 20-25 rescue equines, the MVHR operating budget this year is $298,000. Most support comes from individual donors, like you. 

Mountain Valley Horse Rescue
33933 Colorado River Road  | McCoy, Colorado 80463
970-653-0185 |

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