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High School Rescue Club campers

Summer at MVHR

With High School Rescue Club orientation and the first week of Summer Day Camp under our belts, summer programming has officially begun! We're also starting to see a few service days on the schedule. This is all welcome news considering we weren't sure we'd be able to host anything this summer a few months ago.

It's going to be a lot busier at MVHR now through August and visits are still by appointment only, so please plan accordingly. All events are listed on our calendar and scheduled programs or service days are shown at the top of the calendar in purple. You may schedule your visit by emailing

Thank you for your consideration as we look forward to a successful summer at MVHR!

Want to support MVHR this summer? Help the Horses from Home! We are offering a new twist on our Annual Barn Brunch fundraisers this summer. Stay tuned for that announcement early this month! 

Thank you to all who supported Cookie's 75th birthday fundraiser! If you'd like to set up a similar peer-to-peer fundraiser to benefit the horses as you celebrate your birthday or another special occasion, let us know and we'd be happy to help you set it up. Contact for details. 


  • Community Volunteer Day: Saturday, July 4th - timing TBD. Must register in advance.
    Since it falls on the holiday this month, we are going to focus our attention on a special project. If you have construction skiils or are just willing to pitch in, Joel will be heading a project to build two tack sheds. Timing is flexible. 
  • Basic Volunteer Orientation: Limited number of sessions available by appointment.
    Mandatory if you want to work independently with our horses on a regular basis.   

Please contact to register for either volunteer event above, and keep checking our volunteer page for schedule updates. We will resume all regularly scheduled activities as we continue to make our way through each phase of reopening. 


Feeding & Chore Shifts: When you have completed our Basic Volunteer Orientation, please sign up for morning, mid-day and PM chores or PM Feeding with shana@mvhr.netOpen shifts are shown on our website calendar. 

Maintenance Help: We are making progress on projects that have accumulated over the past few months, but can still use some additional help. If you are handy and want to join our all-volunteer maintenance crew, contact

Volunteer Spotlight: The Maintenance Crew

All of the people listed below have helped with various "punchlist" items and repair projects at the Rescue the last few months. Without their help, things would literally not function at MVHR and/ or funds would have to be diverted from care of the horses to pay contractors instead. You can see why their help is invaluable!

  • Terry - signs, tables, hitch rail
  • Sascha - shelter edges (installed to protect the horses from injury)
  • Nate - hitch rail and set up for programs, including moving tack shed
  • Matt - irrigation repairs to keep us running
  • Steve - mowing, fence repair, staining back wall of the cabin
  • Paul and Harald - spreader repairs
  • Larry - irrigation start up

Thank you so much gentlemen! 

If you have any special skills or knowledge and would be willing to help with other projects as they come up, please email

new hitch rail

Horse of The Month: Bonita

This beautiful Arabian mare is in her 20s and has suffered a lifetime of neglect and abuse, including being used as a roping steer, and having her legs roped and pulled out from under her. Bonita is understandably very leery of strangers (especially those carrying ropes) and yet her youthful, sweet spirit remains. 

She seems to connect with young children and anyone with quiet patience who will take the time to get to know her. Currently enjoying life with the MVHR herd, Bonita is as fat, relaxed and happy as we've ever seen her. She is missing just one thing - a special someone who will take the time to connect with her and give her a forever home! Could you be the one she's been hoping for?

Tango and Mango

Horse Updates

Adoption News! 

After completing their 30 day trials, adoptions for Whinny, Jasper, Jackie, Willow, Maddie and Loki were all finalized. We are so happy for them and their forever families! 

Roxy, who had been on a 30 day trial of her own, was returned to us due to an unforeseeable circumstance that occurred to her potential family. MVHR will always take a horse back, whether it's 30 days or several years after his or her adoption. We are happy to have Roxy back in the fold and know her perfect forever home is still out there.

If you are interested in adopting Roxy or another wonderful Rescue horse, please contact to schedule an appointment. Information on all adoptable equines is on our website

New Intakes

We welcomed two horses to MVHR in June - Mango and Tango, who are pictured above. They come to us via the kill pens and a compassionate horse person who got them out of there. These mares have been through a lot and look it. Both are underweight, look "road weary", and are very nervous around people. One of them might also be pregnant.

Mango and Tango are starting to learn they can rest easy now....the food will keep coming, and we'll do whatever we can to support both of them as they make their way towards new, wonderful lives.

Summer campers with Sparky

Program News

Summer Day Camp: Almost Sold Out 

MVHR board member and High School Rescue Club facilitator, Nancy Lindbloom, had this to say about Program Coordinator, Kensie Redden, after Summer Day Camp training in June: "Kensie is an incredibly gifted teacher who leads, empowers, and educates the campers with her extensive horse knowledge in a fun and meaningful manner. She has worked hard to put together a group of knowledgeable and talented counselors who make a great team and will ensure a safe, fun and rewarding experience for nearly 90 youth this summer."

If you haven't registered yet, there are still a few spaces available in Session 6 (July 28-31) and our "Returning MVHR Camper" Session 7 (August 4-7).

NEW! Session 7 is available to campers who completed one of our Horse Heroes camps in 2019, or completed one of the 2020 sessions (1-6), and want to learn more. This more advanced week of camp will build upon the skills learned in the previous session attended. Session 7 is not available for online registration. To sign up, you must contact Kensie at

For all sessions of our Summer Day Camp, there is a limit of 12 campers each day and all campers must be 8 years or older. MVHR will be complying with all local and state guidelines to keep our campers and staff safe and healthy.

For more information or to register for Session 6, please click here.

Frances Marino masks

Other Ways to Help


Artist Frances Marino will donate 100% of profits from sales of her work made through her website and now she has face masks! Click on the image above to purchase one. You can also get her artwork on a variety of gifts including mugs, pouches, pillows, greeting cards, phone cases and more. Visit to make a purchase, and then contact Frances to let her know you did so to help MVHR. Thank you!

MVHR has LOTS of tack for sale, especially English, and some beautiful Aussie and English saddles. Contact for details.

City Market Community Rewards: Join the program at…/city-market-community-rewards and select MVHR as your organization. Horses will be helped every time you swipe your value card! Already enrolled? MVHR organization number recently changed to AX816 - please be sure to update your account. 

And remember, you can support the horses while shopping on Amazon Smile! Just make sure we are selected as your non-profit and a percentage of your sale comes back to's that simple!


If you cannot get out to the ranch to volunteer for feeding shifts, chores or other programs, you can still support the horses by making a donation on our website. Every dollar helps from $10 for a bale of hay to $6,000 to sponsor a horse for a year. With a steady herd of 25 rescue equines, the MVHR operating budget this year is $299,000. Most support comes from individual donors, like you. 

Mountain Valley Horse Rescue
33933 Colorado River Road  | McCoy, Colorado 80463
970-653-0185 |

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